Year over year, Hackademy continues to grow bigger and better.
HSBC worked in partnership with Capgemini and Onova to organize Hackademy, HSBC's largest global internal hackathon. Hackademy was founded on the premise that HSBC employees can work collaboratively together to solve real innovation challenges set by senior business leaders. Over the course of a month, participants formed global teams, upskilled in emerging topics, worked together to ideate and validate their ideas, designed prototypes, competed for cool prizes, and pitched in front of IT ExCo Leaders.
Working with Onova and Capgemini for the third year in a row in 2021, Hackademy has grown to focus more on innovation than ever - senior executive leaders provided strategic innovation opportunities that had financial commitments, a Top 10 Ventures Stage was created to provide hands-on support to the top teams, and a strong ecosystem of experts and advisors was built to democratize access to information.
This year's executive sponsors include Gavin Munroe, Global CIO of WPB; Wendy Wang, Global CIO of Wholesale; and Stephen Bayly, Global CIO of Markets and Securities Services.
Read about Hackademy through the words of last year's Hackademy executive sponsor, David Knott.